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According to data from China Machinery and Equipment Network News, since 2010, the production and sales growth rate of the machine tool industry has been more than 40%. In the next 5 years, the compound growth rate of the machine tool industry will be 25% ~ 30%, and the high-end CNC machine tools will become the main force of growth. Through technology research and development and product innovation, it has entered the product field supported by the state and formed a new growth point.
The level of the machine tool industry, in essence, reflects the industrial level of a country, CNC machine tools are known as the machine tools of the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, but the demand for low-end machine tools in our country is still very large, showing that the industrial level is not as good as foreign industrial developed countries. The technology of China's machine tool industry mainly comes from the help of technical personnel in the former Soviet Union in the 50s and 60s of the last century, but since then, due to treatment and other problems, the loss of researchers in the machine tool industry is very fast, and the cohesion is insufficient. Long-term backwardness has caused domestic enterprises to prefer to spend more money to buy foreign products to meet their own needs.
As the world's largest consumer of machine tools, China's high-end CNC machine tool industry has a serious self-sufficiency rate, and there is a large gap between the world's advanced countries in terms of design and development, material technology, and parts. The beneficiary of the national industrial policy, the huge demand of the downstream industry for China's CNC machine tool industry has won a valuable opportunity for development, the continuous improvement of consumption capacity and regional revitalization planning to spawn infrastructure and other factors. It is determined that China's automobile market and construction machinery market will still maintain good growth for a long period of time, which determines the good prospects for the growth of China's machine tool market.